media/I7140_Photo.jpgFerdinand VII ESPAGNE (d') (I7140)
Given Names: Ferdinand VII
Surname: ESPAGNE (d')

Sex: Male Male

Birth 13 October 1784 -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Death 29 September 1833 -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne

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Personal Facts and Details
Birth 13 October 1784 Father35Mother32 Madrid,Madrid,Espagne
Palais de l'Escurial

Marriage 10 October 1802 (Age 17) Marie Antoinette BOURBON-SICILES (de) Barcelone,Catalogne,Espagne

Marriage 1816 (Age 32) Marie Isabelle PORTUGAL (du)
Marriage 1819 (Age 35) Marie-Josèphe SAXE (de)
Marriage 1829 (Age 45) Marie-Christine BOURBON-SICILES (de) Madrid, Madrid, Espagne

TitleRoi d'Espagne en 1808 et de 1814 à 1833
Death 29 September 1833 (Age 48) Madrid,Madrid,Espagne

Last Change 2 March 2019 - 12:16:16 Last Changed By: michel

There are no Notes for this individual.

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Multimedia Object:
Ferdinand VII d'ESPAGNE

Family with Parents
Male Charles IV ESPAGNE (d') ‎(I7137)‎
Birth 11 November 1748 Father32Mother23 -- Portici, Napoli, Campania, Italie
Death 20 January 1819 (Age 70) -- Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italie
Female Marie-Louise BOURBON-PARME (de) ‎(I7139)‎
Birth 9 December 1751 Father31Mother24 -- Parma, Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italie
Death 2 January 1819 (Age 67) -- Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italie
Female Charlotte ESPAGNE (d') ‎(I7985)‎
Birth 1775 Father27Mother24 -- Aranjuez, Madrid, Espagne
Death 1830 (Age 55) -- Queluz, Portugal
Female Marie-Louise ESPAGNE (d') ‎(I7986)‎
Birth 1782 Father34Mother31
Death 1824 (Age 42) -- Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italie
Male Charles BOURBON (de) ‎(I8483)‎
Birth 29 March 1788 Father39Mother36
Death 10 March 1855 (Age 66)
Female Marie-Isabelle ESPAGNE (d') ‎(I7984)‎
Birth 4 July 1789 Father40Mother37 -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Death 13 September 1848 (Age 59) -- Portici, Napoli, Campania, Italie
Male François de Paule ESPAGNE (d') ‎(I7141)‎
Birth 10 March 1794 Father45Mother42 -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Death 13 August 1865 (Age 71) -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Family with Marie Antoinette BOURBON-SICILES (de) ‎(F3296)‎]
Female Marie Antoinette BOURBON-SICILES (de) ‎(I7440)‎
Birth 14 December 1784 Father33Mother32 -- Caserte, Caserta, Campania, Italie
Death 21 May 1806 (Age 21) -- Aranjuez, Madrid, Espagne
Family with Marie Isabelle PORTUGAL (du) ‎(F3304)‎]
Female Marie Isabelle PORTUGAL (du) ‎(I7464)‎
Birth 1797 Father30Mother22 -- Sintra, Lisbonne, Portugal
Death 1818 (Age 21) -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Family with Marie-Josèphe SAXE (de) ‎(F3305)‎]
Female Marie-Josèphe SAXE (de) ‎(I7465)‎
Birth 1803 -- Dresde, Dresde, Sachsen, Allemagne
Death 1829 (Age 26) -- Aranjuez, Madrid, Espagne
Family with Marie-Christine BOURBON-SICILES (de) ‎(F3295)‎]
Female Marie-Christine BOURBON-SICILES (de) ‎(I7439)‎
Birth 27 April 1806 Father29Mother16 -- Palerme, Palermo, Sicilia, Italie
Death 22 August 1878 (Age 72) -- Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
Female Louise Fernande ESPAGNE (d') ‎(I7363)‎
Birth 30 January 1832 Father47Mother25 -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Death 1 February 1897 (Age 65) -- Séville, Sevilla, Espagne
Female Isabelle II ESPAGNE (d') ‎(I7144)‎
Birth 10 October 1830 Father45Mother24 -- Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Death 9 April 1904 (Age 73) -- Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France

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