Ancestry Chart:
Eléonore CASTILLE (de)

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Female Eléonore CASTILLE (de) ‎(I7279)‎
Birth 1244 Father45
Death 1290 (Age 46)

Ferdinand III CASTILLE (de) + Elisabeth SOUABE (de)

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Male Ferdinand III CASTILLE (de) ‎(I7283)‎
Birth 1199
Death 30 May 1252 (Age 53) -- Séville, Sevilla, Espagne


(F3244)  Marriage 30 November 1219


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Female Eléonore CASTILLE (de) ‎(I7279)‎
Birth 1244 Father45
Death 1290 (Age 46)

‎ (F2783) ‎
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Male Edouard Ier ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I6309)‎
Birth 17 June 1239 Father31Mother16 -- Londres, London, Angleterre
Death 7 July 1307 (Age 68) -- Burgh by Sands, Cumberland, Angleterre
Male Edouard II ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I6310)‎
Female Jeanne ACRE (d') ‎(I7280)‎
Female Marguerite ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I7281)‎
Female Elisabeth ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I7282)‎

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Male Alphonse X CASTILLE (de) ‎(I7285)‎
Birth 23 November 1221 Father22 -- Tolède, Toledo, Espagne
Death 4 April 1284 (Age 62) -- Séville, Sevilla, Espagne

‎ (F3664) ‎
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Female Yolande ARAGON (d') ‎(I8340)‎
Birth 1236
Death 1301 (Age 65)
Male Sanche IV CASTILLE (de) ‎(I8341)‎