Ancestry Chart:
Eléonore dite Aliénor AQUITAINE (d')

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Female Eléonore dite Aliénor AQUITAINE (d') ‎(I6349)‎
Birth about 1122 -- Bordeaux, Gironde, Aquitaine, France
Death 31 March 1204 (Age approx. 82) -- Fontevrault, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France

Guillaume X AQUITAINE (d') + Aénor CHATELLERAULT (de)

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Male Guillaume X AQUITAINE (d') ‎(I8833)‎
Birth about 1099 -- Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Death 9 April 1137 (Age approx. 38) -- Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, Corogne, Espagne


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Female Aénor CHATELLERAULT (de) ‎(I8834)‎
Birth about 1103 -- Châtellerault, Vienne, Aquitaine, France
Death about 1130 March (Age approx. 27) -- Talmont, Vendée, Pays de la Loire, France


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Female Eléonore dite Aliénor AQUITAINE (d') ‎(I6349)‎
Birth about 1122 -- Bordeaux, Gironde, Aquitaine, France
Death 31 March 1204 (Age approx. 82) -- Fontevrault, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France

‎ (F2932) ‎
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Male Louis VII FRANCE (de) ‎(I6657)‎
Birth 1120 Father39
Death 18 September 1180 (Age 60)
Female Marie FRANCE (de) ‎(I6665)‎
Female Eléonore BOURBON (de) ‎(I6672)‎
Female Alix FRANCE (de) ‎(I6606)‎

‎ (F3159) ‎
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Male Henri II PLANTAGENÊT (de) ‎(I6853)‎
Birth 5 March 1133 Father19Mother31 -- Le Mans, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France
Death 15 July 1189 (Age 56) -- Chinon, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
Male Guillaume PLANTAGENÊT (de) ‎(I7619)‎
Male Henri le Jeune ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I6312)‎
Female Mathilde ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I7620)‎
Male Richard Ier ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I7250)‎
Male Geoffroy II BRETAGNE (de) ‎(I7621)‎
Female Aliénor ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I7103)‎
Female Jeanne FONTEVRAULT (de) ‎(I6317)‎
Male Jean ANGLETERRE (d') ‎(I7622)‎